Advice slip
We’ll send you a payment advice slip with your first pension payment and then each year at the end of March. This advice slip tells you the pension that you will receive during the year April to March, including any increase you are due from 1 April.
During the year, we’ll only send you another advice slip if your monthly payment after tax changes by £30 or more.
If you register for the Member Portal you can access a payment advice slip online each month, regardless of any changes to the amount.
P60 End of year certificate
We send you a P60 certificate every year at the end of March. It shows:
- the total pension payments you received during the tax year 6 April to 5 April.
- As the tax year is slightly different from the Scheme’s year of 1 April to 30 March, this total might be different from your annual pension
- the tax code we used during the tax year, to work out your tax
- the tax you have paid or had back during the tax year.
You might need your P60 to prove your income, or if you have a question about the tax you’ve paid. So please keep your P60s somewhere safe where you can find them again.
You can obtain a copy of your P60 from the Member Portal too.